We still will be providing the same content and great reviews and updates, in Music, Film, Art, Fashion. Go ahead and please bookmark and follow us via Google and we still will be available at this location if you prefer http://brasshat.blogspot.com (at least until I figure out what the f#$@, I'm doing with that new domain ;p)
We also can still be found at the following locations, in case you really are missing us (mainly me, but I say us, so it feels less depressing ;p) and we are excited about the big boy name.
Website: http://www.riddledphantasms.com/ and http://brasshat.blogspot.com
Digg: http://digg.com/users/Brasshatgroup
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BrasshatGroup
Stumble: http://calix09.stumbleupon.com/
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/Brasshat/
RSS Feed: http://brasshat.blogspot.com/default?alt=rss
Facebook: http://xrl.in/1zqe (tiny url)
For those of you wondering, why 'riddledphantasms', well, I was stuck getting an MRI of my knee many years ago reading a Jack Kerouac novel, Desolation Angels where he was one of his famous long winded rants (that I often get accused of, and labeled a lousy writer as a result - opinions and derrieres - we all got 'em, myself included).
Anyhow, Jack was talking about his friends. I believe he was referring to his self imposed writing junkie writing guru of that Cornell University, NYC, 'beatnik' crowd, of which kids are now made to read in High Schools across the country in order to learn about english and literature and 'all that jazz...'. I believe and this is just my theory that Jack was talking about William S. Burroughs, who was an older, wiser, less of the road traveling, rowdy youngster pack that Jack was migrating back and forth cross country at the time. He mentioned how this friend and others often "riddled my phantasms..." or something to that effect. I don't know the exact quote and I promise to go on a grail quest and find it, but it was moments like that, phrases like that, which made me a Kerouac fan when I was still in my late teenage years and that kept me reading through a lot of the run-on sentences and boring stories about Lowell, Massachusetts that kept me going, hopeful of finding another gem in the knoll another phrase that riddled my phantasms. And so that is how I personally arrived at the new name for The Brass Group and all our future endeavors.
I hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend...and in the words of Jack Kerouac at the end of Vanity of Duluoz (available on Amazon along with all the others mentioned in this post, just click the links for a look at a few passages and a place to buy if you are so inclined -
"Forget it, wifey. Go to sleep. Tomorrow's another day.
Hic calix!
Look that up in Latin, it means "Here's the chalice," and be sure there is wine in it."
Indeed Jack...Tomorrow is another day, goodnight all and I hope you had a great Easter weekend!
- Calix
(aka The Brass Hat Group's official ghost in the machine)
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